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When a user enters a password, the system converts it into a fixed-length string of characters using a mathematical function called hashing. Hashing makes it difficult for an attacker to guess the original password from the hashed version. However, hashing also requires some computing resources, and different hashing functions have different levels of complexity and difficulty. Some hashing functions are so complex that they take a lot of time and effort to compute, which means that an attacker would need a lot of time and power to crack them.
One way to measure the complexity and difficulty of a hashing function is to look at its computational cost. This is the amount of time and memory that it takes to compute the hash of a given input. A higher computational cost means that the hashing function is more secure, but also slower and more resource-intensive. A lower computational cost means that the hashing function is faster and more efficient, but also less secure and easier to crack.
Another way to measure the security of a hashing function is to look at its collision resistance. This is the property that ensures that two different inputs will not produce the same hash output. A collision-resistant hashing function makes it unlikely that an attacker can find two passwords that have the same hash, which would allow them to bypass the authentication system. A non-collision-resistant hashing function has a higher chance of producing duplicate hashes, which makes it vulnerable to attacks.
Therefore, when choosing a hashing function for password protection, one has to balance between computational cost and collision resistance. A good hashing function should have both high computational cost and high collision resistance, making it hard for an attacker to crack or guess the passwords. However, such a hashing function may also have drawbacks, such as slowing down the system or requiring more storage space. A bad hashing function should have either low computational cost or low collision resistance, making it easy for an attacker to crack or guess the passwords. However, such a hashing function may also have advantages, such as speeding up the system or requiring less storage space.
Some examples of good hashing functions for password protection are bcrypt, scrypt, and PBKDF2. These hashing functions are designed to have high computational cost and high collision resistance, making them secure and robust. They also have a feature called salting, which adds a random string to the input before hashing it. This prevents an attacker from using pre-computed tables of hashes, known as rainbow tables, to crack the passwords. Salting also ensures that two identical passwords will have different hashes, increasing the security of the system.
Some examples of bad hashing functions for password protection are MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-256. These hashing functions are designed to have low computational cost and low collision resistance, making them insecure and weak. They do not have a feature called salting, which leaves them vulnerable to rainbow table attacks. They also have a higher chance of producing duplicate hashes, reducing the security of the system.
In conclusion, hashing is a process that converts a password into a fixed-length string of characters using a mathematical function. Hashing functions vary in their complexity and difficulty, which affect their security and performance. A good hashing function should have high computational cost and high collision resistance, making it hard for an attacker to crack or guess the passwords. A bad hashing function should have low computational cost or low collision resistance, making it easy for an attacker to crack or guess the passwords. 061ffe29dd