Peace By Peaceful Means: Peace And Conflict, De...
Peace By Peaceful Means: Peace And Conflict, De... >>>
The concept of peace also has an important cultural dimension. Traditionally, for many people in the "western world", peace is generally understood to be an outside condition., while in other cultures, peace also has to do with inner peace (peace in our minds or hearts). In the Maya tradition, for example, peace refers to the concept of welfare; it is linked to the idea of a perfect balance between the different areas of our lives. Peace, therefore, is to be seen as both internal and external processes which affect us.
All persons have a right to peace so that they can fully develop all their capacities, physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual, without being the target of any kind of violence.Asian Human Rights Charter, 1998, paragraph 4.1
Global Peace Index 2022 results show that the average level of global peacefulness deteriorated by 0.03%. Although slight, this is the eleventh deterioration in peacefulness in the last fourteen years, with 90 countries improving, 71 deteriorating and two remaining stable in peacefulness, highlighting that countries tend to deteriorate much faster than they improve.
The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. This belief is the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching. In our society, human life is under direct attack from abortion and euthanasia. The value of human life is being threatened by cloning, embryonic stem cell research, and the use of the death penalty. The intentional targeting of civilians in war or terrorist attacks is always wrong. Catholic teaching also calls on us to work to avoid war. Nations must protect the right to life by finding increasingly effective ways to prevent conflicts and resolve them by peaceful means. We believe that every person is precious, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it threatens or enhances the life and dignity of the human person.
We are one human family whatever our national, racial, ethnic, economic, and ideological differences. We are our brothers and sisters keepers, wherever they may be. Loving our neighbor has global dimensions in a shrinking world. At the core of the virtue of solidarity is the pursuit of justice and peace. Pope Paul VI taught that if you want peace, work for justice.1 The Gospel calls us to be peacemakers. Our love for all our sisters and brothers demands that we promote peace in a world surrounded by violence and conflict.
Concerned about the possible impact of the communique on Taiwan, President Ronald Reagan placed a secret memorandum in the National Security Council files that stated that U.S. willingness to reduce arms sales to Taiwan was conditioned upon the continued commitment of China to the peaceful solution of cross-Strait differences. The memo underscored that the quantity and quality of weapons provided to Taiwan must be determined by the threat posed by the PRC.
ELISABETE PINTO DA COSTA, «GALTUNG, Johan - Peace by peaceful means. Peace and conflict, development, and civilization. Londres: Sage Publications, 1996. ISBN 0803975104.», Configurações, 30 | -1, 149-152.
In our study, we supposed the positive aspect of peace as a notion which goes beyond the lack of violence and conflict. For this reason, we employed the Global Peace Index (GPI) as an index for peace obtained from global reports, which includes a composite measure of peace those encompasses whatever reflects the incidence or absence of peace (21).
Whereas, it was supposed that some conditions in each country might affect the health, we then reviewed the formal publications and reports of WHO and UNDP for a suitable health outcome indicator and health-related indicators within the study period for the world countries in six regions which were accessible to have a value for peace status. Considering the availability and coverage of data and previous studies, LE at birth as a main outcome variable, GNI per capita and EI as independent variables, which might distort our conclusions, were calculated or obtained from the UNDP office source. The data were gathered between September 2013 to November 2013.
We showed that a more peaceful space might increase LE at birth independent of economic and education levels. This makes a better common sense based on the literature which war and conflict has been framed as a public health problem (12). Therefore, low levels of peace may result into more mortality, injuries, psychological distress and social dissatisfaction (27). The movement towards peace in war-affected areas will often improve healthcare and health status of populations (28). Those countries, which are plunged in wars and conflicts, might lead to higher infant mortality rates, lower total life expectancy, and increased fertility rates compared with countries not experiencing violent conflict, independent of poverty and HIV rates (19).
The two main conclusions from the results of the study are as follows. First, the peace level can increase LE at birth creating opportunities for educational development, economic stability and security. Second, if we ignore the relationship between education and economic welfare level for each country with LE at birth, peace can itself affect the LE at birth. Empirically peace in each community can improve the LE at birth protecting human rights, respecting the rule of law, and ensuring that people are free to participate in, and be heard on decisions that affect their lives. There is a strong correlation between life expectancy and democracy (23,40) even after controlling the initial level of human capital as well as political histories. Furthermore, this study acknowledges the notion that peace operates as a global determinant of implementing health promotion and healthy public policy in each community (41). Thus, the method of governing a society may affect the peace level in each community. For this reason, policy makers, politicians, and interest groups in both public and private institutions, which play a key role in making public policy, must address the circumstances whereby a policy to be established in an effective, transparent, and accountable manner (42), meet the security and sustainable development in a society through entrenched rules and laws, and enforce them.
This study had some limitations. First, in terms of data this should be mentioned that they were obtained from global reports, there are also some challenges regarding the quality of these data, the methodology used to calculate the indicators and there are many missing values for some countries in consecutive years. However, we tried to select most valid databases to gather the studied indicators. At the second place, similar to any other ecological studies, our conclusion might be distorted because of the nature of grouping data (ecological fallacy).Secondly, we did not check the time lag between different variables to explore how fast peace might change the health status of a community, which mainly was because of limitations in the access to the required data over a long period of time. Thirdly, the known direct measurement of health is somewhat difficult. In our study, LE at birth was used as the health outcome measure; however, it cannot assess the quality of health, which is one of our limitations in this study. Finally yet importantly, despite a wide range of theoretical studies related to peace and peacemaking, we could not find any comprehensive, quantifiable and annually reported measures to show peace level at each country except the GPI as the only accessible indicator for measuring peace. This was developed by IEP.
Disarmament and international security are inextricably related. There can be no doubt that equitable and verifiable reduction in nuclear and conventional arms can contribute to the increased confidence of our nations which durable peace requires. But it is equally true that armed conflicts such as those we have witnessed in these days threaten international security and escalate the arms race.
Must we conclude then that the arms race will continue as long as conflicts persist? I think, Mr. President, you provided the answer to this question when you stated recently at Eureka College that peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with conflict by peaceful means. As long as there are nation-states, differences between them are likely to continue. However, the United Nations Charter, in the drafting of which the United States had such a major role, declared that all members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means. The United Nations possesses the machinery to help resolve such disputes if only it is used resolutely and effectively.
I am deeply convinced, Mr. President, that if every one of the current and recent armed conflicts had been resolved by peaceful means available under the charter with our resolved ones, this could ultimately have been in the best interests of all the parties involved. This could also be in the interest of international security as a whole, since we all have witnessed the danger of such conflicts escalating beyond their original confines and involve new combatants in an increasingly threatening spiral.
It was foreseen at that time that to be effective in strengthening international security, this organization will require the strong and unified support of, in particularly, the major powers. Indeed, they have a special responsibility for peace and security, which was specifically recognized by according them permanent membership in the Security Council.
I would like to suggest that, notwithstanding the serious differences, differences that exist among these powers, it is in their interest and in the interest of the world as a whole to cooperate in strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to resolve, through peaceful means, present and future conflicts. Only in this way can they ensure that the responsibility they accepted in the founding of this organization are fully met. 781b155fdc