Quick Report Delphi Xe8 Crack
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How to use QuickReport in Delphi XE8
QuickReport is a set of components and controls that allow reports to be designed and previewed in the Delphi and C++ Builder IDEs. Applications including QuickReport functionality can then be deployed royalty free[^1^]. In this article, we will show you how to use QuickReport in Delphi XE8 to create a simple report.
Step 1: Install QuickReport
To use QuickReport in Delphi XE8, you need to install the latest version of QuickReport 5.06 Professional Win 32/64[^2^]. You can download the installer from the official website[^1^] or from this link[^2^]. After downloading, run the installer and follow the instructions to complete the installation.
Step 2: Create a new project
Open Delphi XE8 and create a new VCL Forms Application. Save the project as QRDemo.dpr. On the main form, drop a TButton component and name it btnPreview. Change its Caption property to 'Preview Report'. Double-click on the button to create an OnClick event handler.
Step 3: Add QuickReport components
On the Component Palette, switch to the QReport tab. You will see various components related to QuickReport. Drop a TQuickRep component on the form and name it qrDemo. This is the main component that represents the report. Drop a TQRBand component on the qrDemo component and name it bndTitle. This is a band that will appear at the top of each page of the report. Change its Height property to 50. Drop a TQRLabel component on the bndTitle component and name it lblTitle. This is a label that will display the title of the report. Change its Caption property to 'QuickReport Demo'. Change its Font property to make it bold and larger.
Step 4: Add data sources
To display some data on the report, we need to add some data sources. For this example, we will use a simple table with some customer information. On the Component Palette, switch to the Data Access tab. Drop a TTable component on the form and name it tblCustomers. Change its DatabaseName property to 'DBDEMOS'. Change its TableName property to 'customer.db'. This is a sample table that comes with Delphi XE8. Drop a TDataSource component on the form and name it dsCustomers. Change its DataSet property to tblCustomers. This is a data source that links the table to other data-aware components.
Step 5: Add detail band and fields
We need another band to display the details of each customer record on the report. Drop another TQRBand component on the qrDemo component and name it bndDetail. This is a band that will appear for each record of the data source. Change its Height property to 25. Drop four TQRDBText components on the bndDetail component and name them dbtCustNo, dbtCompany, dbtPhone and dbtCountry. These are data-aware text components that will display the fields of the data source. Change their DataSet property to dsCustomers. Change their DataField property to CustNo, Company, Phone and Country respectively. Arrange them horizontally on the band with some spacing.
Step 6: Preview the report
We are almost done with our simple report. Now we need to write some code to preview it when we click on the button. Go back to the btnPreview OnClick event handler and add this code:
// Open the table
// Preview the report
Save and run the project. Click on the Preview Report button and you should see something like this:
Congratulations! You have created your first QuickReport in Delphi XE8.
In this article, we have learned how to use QuickReport in Delphi XE8 to create a simple report with a title band and a detail band 061ffe29dd