She Males Fuck Men
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Gynandromorphophilia (GAMP) is attraction to gynandromorphs (GAMs), who are natal males with both breasts and a penis, colloquially known as "she-males." Men with GAMP (n = 314) and heterosexual men not attracted to GAMs (n = 211) completed an Internet survey regarding their sexual attraction patterns, relationship history, and potential correlates of GAMP. Men with GAMP reported much higher attraction to natal women than to men, although they also reported slightly higher levels of bisexual feelings compared with controls. Men with GAMP were equally attracted to natal women and GAMs, on average. Thus, GAMP is best considered an unusual form of heterosexuality rather than a separate sexual orientation. Indeed, men with GAMP scored much higher than controls on a measure of autogynephilia, or sexual arousal by the idea or fantasy of being a woman, which is also considered a variant of heterosexual attraction.
Yes. It is illegal for someone to discriminate against or harass a sub-set of a protected group. For example, a manager may not treat Black females differently than Black males based on a sexual stereotype.
As a general matter, an employer cannot label certain jobs as "male" or "female" jobs. For example, it would be unlawful for a temporary employment agency to tell a female applicant that it only refers males to factory jobs.
Feminists: Feminists love using Google, Facebook and Macbooks, which they often get for free from the people they marry. Without men and without meritocratic discrimination, Apple, Microsoft and Google wouldn't exist-- it has always been true throughout history that males have invented the most of the stuff. 781b155fdc